The two pie charts below show the percentages of industry sectors contribution to the economy of Turkey in 2000 and 2016 Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The given pie charts depict the proportion of each economic factors contributed to Turkey economy in the year of 2000 and 2016.

Overall, agriculture was the industry that accounted most income for economy in 2000. However, it also the sector that decreased significantly in 2016 while the others except from Goverments and leisure and hospitality have all increased.

In details, construction, manufacturing, trade and transportation and finace and business have all increased from 3%, 8% 14% and 5% respectively to 10%, 12%, 16% and 8% in 2016 while the healthcare and education was the only section that remained stable.

On the other hand, agriculture which accounted 24% for national economy in 2000 witnessed a considerable fall to 14%, similarly, it was alarming that both goverments and lesisure and hospitality experienced a decrease of 3% to 9% and 12% respectively.

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