You have just spent a week with a friend on holiday When you got home you realized you had left your wallet there Write a letter to your friend In your letter Thanks your friend for the holiday Explain that you left your wallet in their house give them in

Dear Tom,

How are you and your family? Although it is short time since we last saw each other, it feels much longer.

First of all, I am very thankful to you for the trip, which you organised last week from Goa to Dubai. We spent quality time with each other after so long. I really liked this journey with you.

Even though the overall experience was awesome, unfortunately I left my wallet at your home while I was making payments to delivery boy for my parcel. I clearly remember I had placed it on the computer table and later I forget to carry it.

My all important documents are inside it along with my debit as well as credit card and other proofs. I would appreciate if you can courrier it at my address at the earliest since I need bank cards for doing transactions.

With regards,

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