TPO-44 - Independent Writing Task Some people believe that when busy parents do not have a lot of time to spend with their children, the best use of that time is to have fun playing games or sports. Others believe that it is best to use that time doing th

The reading states that coins, which recently have been dicovered in native American in marine are not related to European explorers and provides three reasons of support. On the other hand, the professor refutes each author's reasons and argues that infact these coins have been brought by European explorers.

Initially, the reading says that these coins are setteled by some one who wanted to mislead people, because coins are found far a way from another documented sites, in far eastern Canada. On the contrary, the professor argues that there have been discovered lots of others artificants which were brought from eastern Canada, so coins could be brought as well. She mentions that native American could travelling far a way distance and brought back coins.

Furthermore, the reading possess that if these coins arenot irrelevant to European explorers, lots of them might have been discovered, which have not. In contrast, the professor accounts this notion by saying that enormous amount of them is not neccessarlly conveiniance reason, due to the fact that native American were not the producer of coins. In addition, she refers to the time when European returned to their village without packing all of their stuffs.

Last but not least, the reading advocates that native American did not utilize coins and did not understand its functions, hence why European explorers brought coins with theirselves. However, the professor refutes that by stating that European explorers were aware of native American economic and only brought their coins because of their beauty. She claims that explorers could sell coins as jewleries to native American.

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