Line graph
The line graph shows the percentage of Internet users in three countries: USA, Canada and Mexico between 1999 and 2009.
It is clear that all three countries exprienced the increase in Internet usage. Besides, Canada has the fastest development in percentage of Internet users in three countries.
In 1999, USA's percentage of Internet users is the highest- about 20 percent, while the figures for Canada and Mexico are 10 percen and 5 percent, respectively. In 2003, Canada reached the highest figure in three countries. USA experienced the fluctuation in the percentage of Internet users between 1999 and 2003, so it became the second highest with a figure of 50 percent, and Mexico has the lowest percentage of Internet users with a figure of 20 percent.
In 2009, Canada reached the peak in line graph with almost 100 percent of Internet usage. The percentage in Internet users in USA and Mexico is 70 percent and 50 percent, respectively.