main stages which take place in the life cycle of salmon
The process diagrams describe the main stages which take place in the life cycle of salmon.
The cycles begin when the adult females lay eggs which under the small stones and reeds at slow moving upper river. In the second step of the process, when salmon eggs are about 5-6 months old. They will hatch into small salmon called "fry", which are 3-8 centimeters in the length. After that, baby salmons swim to fast flowing lower reaches of the river. They will live here four years until they raise to 12-15 centimeters. Grown fishes called "smolt".
At the next stage, the salmon moves out to sea and completes their maturation. The “smolt” migrate to the sea. After five years, their size increases by 70-76 centimeters that is the length of an adult salmon. Eventually, they swim upstream to where it was born, and the cycle begins again.