Your company wants to allow some employees to work from home Not everyone can have this choice because some jobs must be done at the office The company wants to know if this is fair by surveying your opinion about working from home Choose the option that

Considering the reasons from employer as well as employee's perspective, it seems totally fair and realistic to allow some employees to opt for work-from-home.

Professionals working from home means less number of automobiles on the street. As traffic decreases, pollution level goes down and those who have to go to their workplace can commute faster. This will save time for both those working from home or office leading to increase in productivity.

There are certain tasks that require physical presence like construction, warehouse management. Therefore, allowing such workers to work remotely is not feasible.

To sum it up, work-from-home is in the best interest of workers, both those who work from home or from office and the company.

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