126 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement There is nothing that young people can teach older people Use specific reasons and examples to support your position

Learning from others is the best way to improve yourself; it does not matter whether people learn from young or older people. Some people believe that only older people teach lessons, while others put forward the opinion that young people are better able to teach by having higher qualities. In my opinion, I totally agree that people can better learn from youngsters. I feel this way for two main reasons, which I will explore further in my essay.
To begin with, youngsters are punctual in their lives to be present at school on time, thereby they believe in punctuality, on the other hand, people who get freedom from work are not as punctual as young people. My personal experience is a compelling example of it. When I retired from my job, I became more relaxed and flexible. Therefore, it made me lazy to show up on time. On the flip side, when I compared myself to my niece, she is punctual even sometimes, she reaches her destination before time. This is mainly because she considers herself time-punctual, which I lacked. After seeing her habits, I also try to be punctual, even though I did not get success until last year. Ultimately, I achieved my goal to be punctual. From this particular experience, I can say that I learned a good habit from my niece. If I had not compared myself with my niece, changing my habits would have been challenging.
Secondly, due to having an enthusiastic nature, young people are more interested in learning new things, while older people do not try to put in their efforts because they are tired from learning until now. For instance, coming back to my niece's example, she is just 12 years old. However, she has learned horse riding, gymnastics, and swimming altogether because of having a curiosity to learn new activities. Nevertheless, in my case, I have decided to join swimming classes for the last six months; I did not get enough time to complete the task since I have delayed my future plans, and eventually, it led to laziness. Like my niece, if I had had an interest in learning new activities, I would have completed my to-do lists. Thus, I can definitely say that older people need to learn enthusiasm from young people.
In a nutshell, young people can teach better lessons to older people; they are punctual in their life, but not older. In addition, young people are interested in trying new activities.

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