Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Extroverts are better leaders than introverts Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

Nowadays leaders are indispensable to organize a group of people in a society. In fact, there are many debates on this topic. Some people think that extroverts are better leaders than introverts. As far as I am concerned, I believe that extroverts have the capacity to lead greater than introverts.

Extroverts are people who can communicate easily with other people, they can find solutions and solve many problems. Indeed, extroverts are used to people because they always interact with them. Consequently, they have the ability to understand the principal issues that the group faces and find alternatives to it. Therefore, extroverts strengthen bonds between the members of a group. For instance, if two students are fighting for a theater role a delegate that represents them has the capacity to divide the role between them.

Moreover, extroverts have speech skills that introverts don't have. In fact, an extrovert person can find easily her words and hold a conversation without facing any problems. Nevertheless, she has the key to succeed and become a good leader. Furthermore, an extrovert person thinks always positively and spread peace and happiness in her environment. Consequently, people are bound to be more attracted by this kind of person rather than a person who doesn't appeal to them.

To sum up, all things considered together extroverts are better leaders than introverts because that have better qualifications to lead a group of people and find it easy to communicate with them.

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