Do you agree or disagree with the following statement It is better to be safe than sorry

Being cautious is an inherent warning that is the best way to protect against the hazard. Dangers are surrounding us, and we need to be cautious. Our ancestors learned that working should be done more cautiously for surviving, and every careless means that were surviving will fall in danger. Nowadays, our world is not as dangerous as our ancestors experienced, but our world also has distinct perils that we should be aware of and put safety first.
First of all, I would like to say that we should be cautious due to unstoppable hazards around us, which can hurt us, so we should be knowledgeable about dangerous subjects and the solving methods. Some of these dangers happen in one minute but affect for a long time. For example, an earthquake is a critical event that we should know about. Furthermore, we should allocate safe places for necessary situations and check these places for the probability of danger.
The second point that I would like to mention is that we should do our affairs as well as possible. It is our job because we should know that every work we do will return to us. Your sins will find you out. So now we should do our duty as safe instead of being sorry in the future. For instance, near our home, there was an apartment made by an architect, and he did not work correctly and ignored safety instructions. He cut corners. Because of his neglect, one worker died, and he was confronted with different problems for a long time.

To sum up, neglect of safety issues is easier than working carefully, but we will be engaged in consistent suffering due to neglect. Also, the lull is along with attention to safety issues.

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