It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city Do you agree or disagree Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay

Childhood is the age when mind starts to grasp the things what he sees around. It’s that development stage where anything you feed to mind will stay eternal. Therefore, it’s very important for the parents to look for the surrounding while parenting. In my opinion, Rather than country sides, larger cities are more convincing for children to grow up. First there are numerous things to explore like student clubs, dance clubs plus there are more opportunities for children to grow in their lives. In the following essay, I will elaborate the reasons adjoining their examples to reinforce my opinion.

First of all, Lets discuss about schooling in country sides and in larger cities. Schools plays an important role in children’s life to get a specific direction and setting a goal. In larger cities schools are more advanced in technological aspects and teaching methods. In country sides, students are reserved to study from the books whereas in larger cities schools has provision of computer labs with high speed internet where along with the books students can explore their practical usage using audios and videos. As an example, past year my roommate had to shift his family from a small city to big city for the sake for his son’s study. His son is so enthusiast for the studies but due to lack to facility he has to limit himself to very less resources. Therefore, shifting from country side to larger city helped his son to gain more knowledge and better surroundings for the development of his mind.

Another reason is, larger cities has more opportunities for children to conflate themselves with different culture. In county sides people from same community lives together and spends time together but in larger cities you will find migrated people from different culture, different cities and those having different backgrounds. It’s better for children in the growing age to learn to respect their cultures and adapt them as they are. As an example, Delhi, a metropolitan city and capital of India, has people from manifold cities and countries. Therefore, children who are growing in this city will have opportunity to explore their culture, can be a part of their festivals and learns to give respect to them.

Third but not the least reason is students has provision of joining student’s clubs, exchange clubs and many other clubs which helps children to make new friends, learn new things and has opportunity to enhance their skills. These clubs are run by private or government firms for children specifically. As an example, My neighbor’s kid was having very less friends in his school, he was usually spending time alone. But one day after getting know about “power” student club, he made numerous friends who shares same interests and made him to stay happy in around the clock.

In the last to wrap the essay in two lines, larger cities are better than small cities for children to grow up because it has provision of developing mind not just in one direction but cultural and technological aspects as well.

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