Some young adults want independence from their parents as soon as possible Other young adults prefer to live with their families for a longer time Which of these situations do you think is better Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinio

No one can deny that there are both positive and negative aspects to living with your parents for a prolonged time. If I was forced to choose, I would definitely prefer getting independence from my parents as soon as I can. There are a number of reasons for my preference on which I will develop in the subsequent paragraphs.

To begin with, I think that being dependent on your family for longer than it is required leads to hindrance in your personal development. By staying in the comfort zone, under the umbrella of their parents, people do not learn important life skills. These life skills, if not learned properly, makes life difficult when the person has to finally go independent. I have to mention that my opinion on this matter comes from a personal experience. Three years ago, when I left my parent's home to attend college, I lacked basic skills like cooking and finance. It is known that college does not give you time to be at rest with all the assignments and tests. At first, I survived by ordering food from outside but soon its effect became noticeable on my wallet. I had to learn cooking while studying full-time and I would end the day with little to no energy left. If I had become independent earlier, when I had more time and less academic pressure, the initial years would have passed more breezily.

Secondly, I believe that there comes a point in life when the elder and the younger generation cannot come to terms with each other's behavior and choices. The young blood has more energy and is more temperamental, the older faces difficulties in dealing with the changes in their life. This creates a tension in the family which leads to fights and a negative atmosphere in the house. Drawing from a personal example, when I was 18, my friends and I used to play video-games late at night. Since we had studies and work to attend in the daytime, we could only find sufficient time at night to get together and play a few games. This late night gaming became bothersome for my parents and we used to have many fights on the topic. This led to problems like anger issues and bad attitudes towards each other.

To sum it up, I do think that there are positives to living with your family members for a longer span, but I still strongly believe that the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to being independent as soon as possible. I think this way because independence can help a lot in developing necessary survival skills and it is prudent to be aware of the generation gap between the young adults and their parents and the issues the gap carries.

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