My essays:
My speaking:
- 25. Some people like to spend their leisure time outdoors, while others prefer to spend it indoors. Which do you prefer? 63
- 24. Some students like to use the library to do most of their research. Others prefer to do most of their research using the Internet. Which do you prefer? 52
- 23. To find out about a course subject, would you prefer to go and ask a teacher about it,or talk to a student who has already taken the subject? 93
- 22. Some people give money as gifts to friends. Others try to give a specific kind ofpresent. Which kind of gift do you prefer giving to a friend? 48
- 21. Some people like living in the center of cities close to downtown areas. Others prefer to live further out in the suburbs. Which do you prefer?
- 20. Many universities offer intensive courses during the summer and winter periods.Would you prefer to take an intensive course during the summer or the winter vacationperiod? 47
- 19. When shopping, some people use brand names to help them decide what to buy.Other people go only by price. Which do you prefer? 58
- 18. Would you prefer to do a course that involves lectures and tutorials onsite, or a course that is conducted online via distance learning? 85
- 17. Some people like to keep up with current news by reading newspapers. Others preferto read about the news online. Which do you prefer? 93
- 16. If you went to study in a different country with a different culture, would you prefer to adapt yourself to the new culture, or concentrate more on maintaining your ownculture? 79