The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices in five different cities between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989 Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make compariso

The bar chart compares the amount of an average house in five different cities namely New York ,Madrid Tokyo ,Frankfurt and London between 1990 an,d 2002 from the average in 1989.
Tokyo and London short a fall of 7% in the first six years since 1990 from the average prices of house in 1989. Similarly , New York also followed a declining nature at 5 % . In spite of that ,Madrid and Germany increased the amount to around 2% and 3% days respectively then the average in 1989.
Next 7 years from 1996 to 2000 to almost all the cities moved in an upward trend in the cost of house . A dramatic rise in the price of house was shown by the UK at around 12 % than from 1989. The other three cities namely New York ,Spain and Germany showed an elevation at 5%, around 4 % and 2% respectively . In contrast, we can see a 5 % reduction in the price of house in Tokyo in a 7 year period since 1996 when compared with the amount in 1989.
Overall, it is clear from the chart that the first six ears started from 1990 , majority of the cities declined the cost of price from 1989 the next 7 years since 1996 showed rise in the prices of house by almost all cities.

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