41 A ten year nationwide study of the effectiveness of wearing a helmet while bicycling indicates that ten years ago approximately 35 percent of all bicyclists reported wearing helmets whereas today that number is nearly 80 percent Another study however s

The argument claims that today bicycle riders have a high awareness towards wearing safety helmet in comparison with the ten years ago. Stated in this way the argument fails to mention several key factors, on the basis of which it could be evaluated. The argument's conclusion is based on presumptions for which there is no any conclusive evidence. As a result, the argument is weak, unpersuasive and riddled with errors.
First, the argument readily assumes that there is an increase in the number of people how wearing helmet today in comparison with the past based on the results of the first survey. This statement is a stretch and not substanshiated in any way. The author did not provide a specific data about the results such as when and where the data was collected, it may collected from other city or different type of people. The argument could have been much clearer if it explicitly stated if the data is from the same city or village which make a good sence for the reader to have a full picture about the accuracy of the results.

Second, the arguemnt claims that the majority of the riders feel more safe when they wear the helmet when they ride their bycyclies in the busy roads. This is again a very weak and unsupported claim as the argument does not demonstrate any correlation between how it will be more safe using only the helmet and the safety. However, there are enormous factors that contribute to the safety of the bicycles such as the breaks, the rusty steel and the wheels. If the argument had been provided statistical evidence about how the helmet make the bicycles safer then it could have been a lot more convincing.
Finally, the author stated today the riders take more risk, but there are many accidents everyday because of the uncommitment from the riders, so the author must provide more information about this statement.
In conclusion, the argument is flawed for the reasons stated above, thus unconvincing. It could be considerably strengthened if the author clearly mentioned all the erlevant facts of the respondents and how they deal with their bicycles. It is necessary to have a complete knowledge of all contributing factors in order to evaluate the merits on a specific situation.

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