The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Parkville Daily newspaper Throughout the country last year as more and more children below the age of nine participated in youth league sports over 40 000 of these young players suffered injuries

The argument that Since the disadvantages outweigh any advantages, we in Parkville should discontinue organized athletic competition for children under nine is not entirely logically convincing, since it ignores certain crucial assumptions. On the other hand, author provide the weak evidence to justify His/ Her claim. The position of the author is preposterous because He/ She makes the generalizations go beyond the facts.
Firstly, the author never addresses the country below nine year old children population because if the population is more, the number which had given about injuries become less and it is not compatible to justify the claim. and the most thing the children age below nine years are more skittish and they are very jubilant during at the time of sports at that time little injuries may happen. So, in this aspect author didn't mention about the types of injuries ahs been occured. If they are fatal injuries the author claim on this aspect is plausible. But if the injuries are very normal, it is unnecessary to justify their claim.
Secondly, the author never explicit about the ratio of interviewers report about the psychological pressure exerted on them. If the more number of interviewers are reported about putting pressure on them by the parents and coaches, the author claim will justify and the author should implement based on the report existed. But if the numer of interviewers are reported less on the issue on the pressure existed on them, the claim of the author is not at all a good plan. and also the author doesn't mention about the interviewers who are reported positive impact on sports.
Finally, the author fails to bring the is it original facts or spurious fact made by the Eduaction expertise on the academic activities. Actually, the fact sports may improve the working capacity of the brain, children below nine years old may become smart by playing sports. But the experts shown that sports may dimishes the academic acitivities.
Finally in the conclusion, the author never depicts about some of the topics, actually the author failed to render bolster evidence to the argument. Ultimatelty, the argument will become strength if some points added.

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