Formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free

Formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free.
Education plays important role in people’s life. Education includes everything not just what we learn through books or any formal education.humans have evolved into most intellectual species and its credit goes to education .In my view formal education plays vital role and thus I strongly oppose the view that formal education limits our minds and spirits.Though the formal education seems to restrict us in opening up ourselves but is the basic platform that is needed for the advancement .
Although, some forms of education seem to be outdated and needs to be modified or removed completely.To exemplify, some schools and colleges force students to adhere to the policies and knowledge, and limit the capabilities of the students.we can see the most notable personalities as Elon musk,Bill gates who were college drop out as they believed that formal education was bounding them to stick to it.They achieved zenith of their carrer in their respective fields though they could never finish their education.
Nonetheless,Formal education acts as basement in one’s life by supporting and encouraging us to move forward.If we see great scholastic achievements in any filed they are only possible as the pioneers in their respective fields had a formal education which shaped them in organizing their dreams.For example, For a doctor be successful he needs to learn everything ahead before treating the small mistake by doctor may risk a patients life.ergo,Formal education of how a disease can be diagnosed ? and what treatment should de administered ? ; All such procedures and methods are learnt through years of formal education and nothing can replace formal education.
Some people argue that in fields as business one cannot learn much through education;They support their point by pointing out evidence of successful ventures like Kfc and Mittal steels whose founders never had a formal education;However,The probability of success is much higher in cases where people had formal education and prior experience as more people trust and rely on them based on their formal history and one can easily persuade others by their background.
In sum, It is advisable to have some formal education before venturing out because we will be more equipped to face the evolving challenges but there should a fine balance between formal education and freedom to pursue what needs to be done.

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