Governments should focus on solving the immediate problems of today rather than on trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain y

It is said that living in the present is the best thing rather than regreting about the past and worrying about the future. Government has the responsibility to solve the problems of the country and even protect the country from future problems. The author says that the governments should focus on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future. I mostly agree the author regarding the statement.

Firstly we as humans have always been told to live in the present so we can apply the same to the governments. Government should focus on the current problems faced by the country and try to rectify them. The anticipated future problem may be a cause or a side effect of the current problem faced. So if the current problem is efficiently solved the future anticipated problem might not occur. To solve the problem in real time the government has to be very reactive and at the tip of their toes. For example malnutrition among children, poverty, if not controlled in the present time then the problem will escalate to become a even bigger problem which will become even tougher to solve. The prime example of the situation is corona virus pandemic, in a large country with huge population if the pandemic sitution was contained and solved when there were less cases then the pandemic would been grown to such a large scale where controlling it would be nearly impossible.

Secondly there are some things that cant be predicted and have to be solved in the present itself like the corona virus pandemic. No government could foresee it. And the term future used by the author in the statement is vague as he/she doesnt describe how long does future mean. The government has to act and solve the problem at the right time.

Some problems like global warming, extra usage of fossil fuels, population rise etc are problems that should be anticipated by the government. These problems should be solved when they are anticipated as they cant be solved when they are at their peek. Problems like these cant be delayed to be solved. To reduce the usage of fossil fuels takes some time to be implemented and it cant be implemented when there is a dearth of them. The government has to slowly shift the consumption of fossil fuels to electric for vehicular activities as the policies cant be implemented in a day. The usage of wind energy, hydro energy to generate electricity should be prefered over non renewable resources. And implementation of them takes time. For solving the population rise steps have to be taken at the initial stage itself or even years before the initial stage so the problem does even occur in the future as it is controlled.

To sum it up the country's government should primararily focus on the current problems but some problems which are of high importance and the anticipated in the future need to be solved as quickly as possible.

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