A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college

Televison was one of the greatest innovation made in the early technological
era.We live in the world where most of the houses have the televison we use to watch daily news and for the entertainment purposes.When televison was first discovered it was mainly used to broad cast news and the weather conditions and slowly started with other entertainment as well like movies and plays.In the prompt the manager from the televison station suggest that in order to avoid losin advertising revenues they should start devoting more time on local news and weather. I think with given information regarding "allocating more time to national news making the local advertising to cancel the order is" not enough to come to the conclusion.

First of all,the prompt does not say regarding how much time is allocated to the national news and what was it before. it does not provide the actual statistics about it.
And How many complaints received from the viewers, what it amounts to the total number of complaints. what are the numbers ? There should be proper research has to be made regarding this. The prompt never says about the TRP about the channel. How was the TRP before and how it has changed after the increased time to national news and less time to weather and local news.

Secondly, the prompt says about the canceled advertising contracts in the late night shows, It does not specify the reson behind it and no where it is mentioned that they cancelled the contract because of reduced time allocated for the local news, contract got cancelled may be because of some other reasons , may be advertising contract has changed it way of advertising, company might not think it is not making any difference from the adventising.

However,even though the time allocated for the local news has reduced how it is impcating the viewership of the channel.May be it is benfit for the news channel in otherway around as well,May be there is increase in the number of people who are watching the news than before as it started covering national news.No where in the prompt says there there was direct impact on the changes in the news allocation time and the advertising contracts.

In order come to come to conclusion that the change in the allocation of time to national news is directly impacting the advertising contracts and inturn it is making the news chanel to loose the revenue. we have to get additional information and proper research.

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