Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people Others believe that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts Write a response in which you d

Some critics believe supports of government from arts abet it’s growth and make in available equally to all people, while, others believe it is harmful for arts integrity and may leads to inharmony in arts. The writer believes direct support of government may bring several problems due to inherent challenges of power to choose.
Forst of all, it should be noted that arts like culture of a society behaves like a live being. It fledgling days changes to more mature and by supporting and advocating becomes more famous and finally after passing a remarkable period becomes … in this case government supports may disturb it’s natural growth path. To put that in detail, government may choose a wrong fields of arts for funding for example prefers visual art to musics. This mistake not only may misallocate public funds and waste resources, may brings inharmonious growth in fields of arts. For example society adore more pop musics but government experts devote funds to less popular tracks and that harm benefits of government. Thus government is not the right position to have a power to choose and by intervening in arts may bring turbulence in market.
On the other hand, governments mostly are biased to some political parties. In more democratic societies, governments rely on some ideologies from left or right or middle side thouths. In this case it’s probable the government shows biasness in choosing authors to support and may bring corruption. After all, authors may seem more political in the eyes of followers and finally it may hurm their reputation.
To sum up, the writer belives in equality for every one in society which should be provided by governments and all must have afford to enjoy arts, but it should not be direct support by government due to problems it may bring. Problems like inharmony in arts fields, fund misallocation and political tendencies in choosing artifacts.

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