Advances in science and technology and other areas of society in the last 100 years have transformed the way we live as well as postponing the day we die There is no better time to be alive than now To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinio

The technological advancements happening in the present century is at its best
and there is no doubt that people are having the most advanced way of living
compared to any other time in the history. I strongly agree to this statement
and will support my view in the following essay.
From the time of outstanding inventions made by great scientists and
technologists, mankind have the strive to live in the most advanced
environment. The more well-flourished the technology is, the easiest the life is.
And with this thinking, humankind kept the spirit running, which resulted in
inventions starting from vacuum tubes to micro integrated chips which can
now read human minds. Moreover, the basic form of human life has changed
from being physically present to being virtual. Everyday life has become an
interaction with artificial intelligence. For example, voice recognizers like Alexa
developed by high tech corporations has now being treated as a family
member because of the way the gadget interacts to human. In addition to this,
advanced studies are being conducted to create humanoids that deliver a
performance more or less equal to a human.
Apart from the social benefits gained from technology advancements, the
medical field is also getting benefited in a huge way. With the inventions of
robotic surgery and nano-medicines, so many unrecognized diseases which
once wiped out human life from the earth has become treatable as easy as a
common cold. Samples of dangerous virus are now contained on high-tech labs
for study and this shows the striking influence of technology in the medical
The huge difference technology has brought in the field of transportation is
something that should not be left unconsidered. From steam engines to super
'MAGLEV' trains, humans always wanted to compete with the time.
Commutation is now a matter of fraction of second for people of Japan, whose
transportation is 100 percent depended on the trains. Even so, Japanese are
still striving to find the fastest train that can match with the speed of sound.

To wrap up, the present century bring about the most advancements in not
only technological field, but on other aspects of social life which makes it the
best time to live compared to the previous as well as the coming future.

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