Are famous people treated unfairly by media Should they be given more privacy or it is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives

Technological advancement in digital and print media opened doors to new set of problems. Celebrity status comes with a price, agreed by all, but unnecessary intervention into their life-style by reporters might disturb their work-life balance. It is true, news about famous people gets public attention, but that is no excuse for anybody to breach their privacy. In this context, I am totally against the view' invading private life of well known personality is a part of success package'. In this essay I will try to deduce various scenarios depicting both points with relevant examples.

First of all, growing paparazzi culture tarnishing image of a celebrity and peace of mind. In recent days, television reporters who tried to take pictures of an actress at an airport received severe backlash from society. Furthermore, as long as unfair media trial continues, sense of freedom will be lost. On the other hand, sense of suspicion that they are always watched by someone, keeps them psychologically challenged. For example, in an interview -olympic athlete Rajesh described that frequent vigilance of media caused him stress and ultimately resulted in underperformance. We listen many such stories in cases of actors and other talented artists. Secondly, it is waste of time to common audience to know everything about their favourite hero or heroine.
On other side of spectrum, we have people who argue that the attention given to public figures is for their own good as it keeps them steady in their professional life. Moreover, according to them, it's dream come true for many people to be in limelight and occupy space in front page of a reputed newspaper. However, sociologists suggest that deep research is necessary before generalising these concepts. Nevertheless, we don't have any right jeopardising the private life of an important person as it may even cause fatalities. Classic example is ,the erratic behaviour of a reporter caused death of Princess Diana. Before it's too late, we all should condemn such heinous acts.

Therefore, we can safely conclude the topic by saying that responsible journalism has no place for unrelated cover story of a celebrity. Instead, they can concentrate on sensation topics which will be helpful for both citizens and journalists career. Ofcourse, government can control freedom of speech but till then we too have power to discourage satellite channels whenever they telecast rubbish content.

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