The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices in five different cities between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989 Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make compariso

The provided bar charr depicts comparison between datas about alteration in average house price in five different countries between the timescale of 1990-2002. Overall it is clearly evident that both london and new york showed a considerable changes throughout the period.
To begin with, the average of prices in 1990-1995 has significant differences compared to 1996-2002. According to the chart the average price in tokyo and london was about -7 percent compared to 1989, however this trend did not continued for london and changed it with a dramatic growth and accounted just over 10 percent in 1996-2002. Followed this year tokyo decreased and stood at exactly %-5. Another striking feature in this chart is new york which was exactly -5 in 1990-1995, nevertheless it changed sharply and finished the period at 5 percent also indicated that the prices has increased compared with prices in 1989.
Moreover, madrid had stayed under 5 percent over the period but as it went in 1996 got closer to +5.

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