In many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour What do you think are the causes of this What solutions can you suggest

The contemporary society is facing myriad challenges, one of which is the students behavior. This is leading to academic institutions has to manage students behavior. the below essay will discuss the reasons for this impact and the measures that can be implied to curb it as per my opinion; are discussed below.

To begin with, the predominant reason for the student to misbehave could be contributed to the ample freedom given to the child. Due to this they are not ready to take and obey instructions given to them by a high authority. They are compiled to do as they desire; neglecting the consequences of their actions. Moreover, the advancement in technology has to play a vital role in this outcome, various tv programs, social media, has negatively impacted the youth. For example, research indicates that young mind is prone to follow whatever they observe in and around their surroundings.

On the other hand, there are certain precautionary steps that can be taken to mitigate this outcome. The first remedial action could be as simple as spending more time with their pupil. As they can provide them with the necessary guidance and support they require at the fetal age as a result, they never feel lonely and participate in unwanted activity. Furthermore, schools can implement certain methods that are known to be beneficial. For instance, it could be impactful by giving awards at the end of the year for disciplined attitude; this provokes the students to follow the rules.

In conclusion, the modernized worlds has influenced students for the worst, however, this could be mitigated by a little extra effort by parents and the school.

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