Young people in the modern world seem to have more power and influence than any previous young generation Why is this the case What impact does this have on the relationship between old and young people

The technological development has been having several consequences not only on our day to day life but on behaviour´s people too. Especially among the young, changes seem to have left a deep footprint, since it is common said that the present young generation have more power and influence than any previous generations. This is due mainly to the explosion of the Internet. Born in the 1950s and reserved only to few computer experts, it has been constantly growing for the last decades to become a widespread tool that can connect and communicate with people from all around the world. In addition, graduates with high-tech knowledge will play a major role in the economy of the foreseeable future, by occuping positions in the growing jobs, like Cybersecurity technician or mechanical engineer.
Young people connected to the Internet have therefore the potential to reach million of humans out, to deliver their own ideas and their own view of the world. Services like YouTube or Instagram have created new characters on the scene of the advertising industry, the influencer, usually followed by thousands of young users, who imitate their style and move behind their actions. In some cases, influencers are so powerful that big companies pay them to advertise and give a positive feedback about their products. It is something that past generations did not experienced and the most remarkable difference is that, potentially, everyone who can afford an Internet connection, is able to become an influencer.
On the other hand, many warn against letting young people to have so much power. Some people believe that relationships between young and old have been dramatically falling apart.
A common and almost abused pattern, is that in the past young showed more respect for the older generation and that sometimes this form of respect assumed the aspect of fear. In addition, young people used to listen to the old, taking their advice in high consideration, as a treasure rich of precious wisdom. It is quite intersting to observe how over the the centuries, people seemed to be always concerned about the relationship between young and old generations. It is also no surprise, that this issue comes up frequently and rises always questions about the health of our society.

To conclude if I can agree to large extent to the stance which young people now have more power than other generatios before, I do not see any negative impact on the way young and old generations interact with each other. The problem is well known and it is as old as the world itself.

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