The bar chart gives information on the percentage of British people giving money to charity by age range for the years 1990 and 2010 Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The bar chart illustrates how many British people gave money to charity by age range in 1990 and 2010. Overall in two decade period the percentage of youth and middle aged men who donates noticeably decreased, whilst the percent of elderly increased.

More specifically, regarding the quantity of 18 - 25 years old people were over 15% in 1990, however it considerably dropped to 5% in 2010.
The interest of 26 - 35 years old charitable men and the people who over 65 were almost equal (more than 30%) in 1990, but in 2010 the percentage of former fell to 23%, that of latter rose to over than a third.

As for middle-aged men, they were much active to give a donation in both years. The highest percent among all age groups was viewed on 36 - 50 year olds with 43% in 1990, in this year the percent of 51-65 year olds were 35% similarly with 2010's indicators in the age group of 36 - 50.

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