This bar graph shows the number of days lost due to injury per worker for five countries There are three time periods shown beginning with the year 1991 and ending in 2005

The given bar chart illustrates the number of days owing to injury per worker in five countries in three times periods from 1991 to 2005. Overall, it can be clearly seen that all countries' cases rose gradually in the ending year while the exception of Germany.

Firstly from 1991 to 1995, China and Brazil were the greatest countries accounting for approximately 6.5 days. Additionally, other countries in which Germany, America, and Korea were nearly at the same proportion, namely around 3 days.

Moving on to 1996-2000, Brazil's data decreased slowly to under 5.5 while China kept rising to over 8.5 days. In the same years, America and Korea were in the same proportion, approximately 3.5 cases. In 2001-2005, China's case was ten days and the greatest proportion of all nations. The second greatest was Brazil, numbering 7.5 days. However, Germany's rate declined to under 2 days per worker.

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