The chart below gives information about southland s main exports in 2000 20 and future projections for 2025 20 for test purposes use and refer to the current year

The bar chart depicts Southland's revenue through international tourism, dairy and meat products in the year 2010, 2020 and forecasts for 2025. With the profit from dairy products dominating the chart, there are clear predictions made for the forthcoming year 2025.
On the whole, Tourism have always played a prominent role in the biggest profit with 8 billion euros in 2010 and a steady growth up to 9 billion euros in the current fiscal year 2020. Apparently, a clear prescience about the future revenue of nearly 10 billion euros is achieved by 2025. Similarly, the trends in dairy products shows a drastic growth from year 2010 to 2020 from a meagre 7 billion euros to a stupendous 10 billion euros. Prognostications about dairy products show a small plummet in the trend by 2025.
Earnings from meat products is always leveled off with an average of 5.5 billion euros with the same being projected for the year 2025.

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