the chart below shows what Anthropology graduates from one university did after finishing their undergraduate degree course The table shows the salaries of the anthropologists in work after five years

The pie chart illustrates types of job that Anthropologic students did after leaving one university. The table provides data about the income of anthropologists with 5-year-experience in this field.
Overall, most students found full-time jobs when they had finished their anthropology course in the university and the majority had the salary over $75000 after working as anthropologists for 5 years.
Full-time workers accounted for the highest percentage, at over 50%. Following is part-time workers and those were employed, at 15% and 8% respectively. There was a total of 13% of anthropologic students took part in postgrad study, with two second of these students working full-time.
The table shows that freelancer consultants and those working in government sector had higher income, compared to those working in private companies, with over 80% workers having salaries of over $75000. However, this figure in private companies was only 55% and a significant percentage of them received $50000-$74999, 35%.

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