the diagram below shows the life cycle of a frog summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features

The information about the various stages in the life of a frog is depicted by the diagram.

To begin with, the adult frogs lay eggs which becomes an Embryo. In the next stage, it changes and tadpoles clinging to water-plant. After that, external gills are developed for breathing. In the following stage, their tails keep growing as time goes on.

Moving towards, after the increase in the tails' size of frogs, hindlegs also appear. In the subsequent stage, they nurture themselves from food that is stored in their tails. Although their front legs appear, their tails become shorter when they develop into young frogs their tail is completely lost. In the last stage, they grow into mature adult frogs.

Overall, the lifecycle of a frog has different eleven stages. However, the interesting fact about their feeding habits is they can feed themselves from their tails while developing.

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