The diagram below shows the production and processing of milk and dairy products for commercial sale Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The Process explains the step by step procedure in the manufacture of milk and its products.

Overall, It is found that Milk and milk products like Cheese, Cream and Butter production involves several step by step procedures for its preparation.

Firstly, Cows are grazed for milk. Secondly, Milk is obtained by milking machine twice daily. Thirdly, The milk produced is stored in a refrigeration storage .Later, Tanker is used to deliver milk daily two times. Nextly, In the dairy, Some amount of milk is converted into different edible forms like Cheese, Butter, Cream.At the same time, the remaining amount of milk is pasteurized and packaged. All varieties are then carried to different Shops, Supermarkets which are sold there.

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