The diagram shows the process by which milk and related products are produced Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features

The diagram outlines the principal stages in milk production as well as the manufacture of other dairy products.

Milk production begins with a herd of dairy cows grazing on grass and ends with dairy products being purchased by consumers.

As previously stated, the initial stage in the process is cows feeding on grass in a field. Twice a day, the cows are taken from the pasture to a milking facility where they are milked by an automated milking machine. The resulting milk is kept fresh in large refrigerated storage tanks. On a daily basis, the milk is collected by a milk tanker and transported to a dairy factory where further processes are applied to it in order to create a range of products.

Some of the milk is pasteurized – heat-treated to kill any harmful bacteria – while the rest is converted into other dairy products: cheese, cream, and butter. Ultimately, the finished dairy products are transported to shops and supermarkets where they may be purchased by the general public.

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