The graph and table below show the average monthly temperatures and the average number of hours of sunshine per year in three major cities Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The data provides information on average temperatures and
annual hours of sunshine in London. New York and Sydney.

The temperature patterns for London and New York are similar,
although New York has warmer summers and colder winters.

In both cities, peaks occur in July/August, at 23° in London and
29° in New York. In contrast, Sydney's hottest weather is in
December/January when temperatures average 25°. During this
period. New York's temperatures dip to an average of around
5°, compared with 8° in London. On the other hand, Sydney's
lowest average temperatures in July are just over 15°.
As far as hours of sunshine are concerned. New York and
Sydney have similar averages of 2,535 and 2,473 hours
respectively. London, however, has a much lower average
of 1,180 hours.

Clearly, London is the coldest city and has the fewest hours
of sunshine. New York has the hottest summers, but Sydney
enjoys the warmest overall climate.

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