The Graph below shows average carbon dioxide CO2 emissions per person in the United Kindom Sweden Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The graph provides information about carbon dioxide emissions in four countries in the 40 year period between 1967 and 2007. The countries had a different trend in that period of time. Overall, carbon dioxide emissions in metric tonnes in two countries decreased and in two countries increased.
According to the graph, in 1967 emission of carbon dioxide in united kingdom was 11 Metric Tonnes (MT) but after 40 years decreased and in 2007 it was almost 9 Metric Tonnes. Sweden had a different trend. In 1967 emission of carbon dioxide was 8.5 Metric Tonnes after that had increased to 10 Metric Tonnes in 1977. But it was decreased significantly in 2007. It had nearly 6 Metric Tonnes.
The graph illustrates in 1967 carbon dioxide emissions over 4 Metric Tonnes in Italy. But it increased to 8 Metric Tonnes in 2007. Emission of carbon dioxide in Portugal increased substantially. At the first, it was nearly under 2 Metric Tonnes but after 40 years in 2007, it was 5 Metric Tonnes.

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