The graph below shows the way people of some country invested their money during the years 2001 2006

The money invested in stock market by the people of some country from 2001 to 2006 has been illustrated in the given bar graph.

At a fleeting glance, the investment of money in bonds in some country stood at 100 billion in 2001, which was increasing and reaching 162 billions in 2005. Then, it remained rose and the figures reached to 188 billion in 2006.

Moving towards stocks, the amount of money was invested by people on this option was the highest 317 billion in 2006, being followed by the year 2005 with 297 billion. However, the statistics for 2004 were 289 billion that were 62 billion more than that of 2003 and far greater in the comparison of 2002. At last, around 210 billion money invested in stocks by some country’s people.

Overview, it is clear that the amount of money invested in stocks was considered to be more than bonds in the given times of period

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The money invested in stock market by the people of some country from 2001 to 2006 has been illustrated in the given bar graph.

At a fleeting glance, the investment of money in bonds in some country stood at 100 billion in 2001, which was increasing and reaching 162 billions in 2005. Then, it remained rose and the figures reached to 188 billion in 2006.

Moving towards stocks, the amount of money was invested by people on this option was the highest 317 billion in 2006, being followed by the year 2005 with 297 billion. However, the statistics for 2004 were 289 billion that were 62 billion more than that of 2003 and far greater in the comparison of 2002. At last, around 210 billion money invested in stocks by some country’s people.

Overview, it is clear that the amount of money invested in stocks was considered to be more than bonds in the given times of period