the map below show the village of stokeford in1930 and 2010 summarise the information and make comparison where relevant

The maps below illustrate the changes which have taken place in the village of Stokeford over an 80 year period beginning in 1930 and ending in 2010. Overall, the most noticeable change is the replacement of gardens with a retirement home.
To begin with, there were several major changes in the area of farmland. Numerous houses have been constructed alongside a road. In addition to this, shops have been knocked down to make a way for new houses. The post office can be seen in both 1930 and 2010 at the same place where is opposite the primary school that has been expended after 80 years.
There were also changes in the area of gardens. The most striking change is that the east of the village was used to be a green area, with several trees in the gardens, but the trees have been cut down, and a retirement home has been built.

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