The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002 Percentage of national consumer expenditure by category 2002

The Spreadsheet compares the percentage of expense on three categories by residents of five different nations by resident in the year 2002.

It is clearly evident, customers spend most in food and beverages, while moderate on clothing and least on education and Leisure.

In Beginning, consumers of Turkey consume double the amount on food/drinks/tobacco which is 32.14%, then those of Italy. Contrastingly, peoples in Italy leads by almost 3% in terms of clothing/footwear, while these was only fraction of difference in leisure/education category. Furthermore, Sweden lacks behind by almost half percent than Ireland, which was 28.91 in food/drink. However, in clothing and education sector Ireland leads by only 1% than Sweden.

Going Further citizens of Spain payee 18.22, 6.51, 1.98 percent in food, clothing and Education category.

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