TPO-03 - Independent Writing Task Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is more important to keep your old friends than it is to make new friends.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Finding new friend is challenging for most of us. Some people prefer to stick to their old friend rather than meeting new people and getting close to them. Surely keeping old friend is important. However, in my opinion it always better to try to find new friend. We can learn from new friend more, we are able to improve our social activities and enlarge our friend group by finding new friend and some time new people make better opportunity for us to enhanse our life.

First, finding new friend help us to learn more. We might meet some people, for example from diffrent area of study. They can teach us a lots about their field which might be vague to us. Not to forget that new friend will some they become old friend, so finding new friend continously will help us to increase our knowledge more and more. For example, last summer in a camp which I toke apart, I meet a new friend who study physic and we talk so much about his field. As an engeenring student I learn a lot of thing from him.

Second, human is a social creature and he always needs to be connected we other human. We should permanently care about our social activity. Being alone, far from society, definitly will cause damage to some asspect of our life. Finding a new friend is one of the best way to increase our social activity. For instance, one of my friend is so sociable. He gets friend with people right after he meets them. As result, most the time, when I see him, he is with someone and he is laughing, talking, etc. To be honest, sometime I envy him for his social life.

Third, meeting new people sometime can bring us unique opportunity to improve our life. As an example, four years agomy father lost his job. He was worry a lot about his career. Financially, we had plenty of problem which put more pressure on my father. And at last some day my father get familiar with a new friend through one of his colleage. The new friend was a manager at company. He hired my father immidiately after they talked about the job, with a high salary. There was the moment that I realize how it is improtant to expand relationship with new other people.

In conclusion, a friend is a precious asset and we should always care about it. We always should try to keep our friend close to ourselves and be kind to them. However, it is more important to extend our friendship with now people. They can teach us more, they can help us to have more appropriate social life and how know? they might bring us better opportunity to improve our life.

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