TPO-44 - Independent Writing Task Some people believe that when busy parents do not have a lot of time to spend with their children, the best use of that time is to have fun playing games or sports. Others believe that it is best to use that time doing th

There are certain considerations or factors which everyone can take into account to investigate and examine the parents’ contribution to the children. I certainly believe that parents should allot their time doing things that are related to pupils' schoolwork. Someone can consciously weigh the pros and cons of each side. The explanations go as follows.

Firstly, parents can assist children to be up to date with new technology. These days, the world alters swiftly and human experience a huge advancement and improvement in different fields of science and engineering like communication, transportation, health caring, and artificial intelligence. In this progressive environment, the main duty of the parents is to help children to do their schoolwork and keep the pace with new technical and practical inventions. For instance, someone can aid his child to master working with educational utilities including computer, smart phones, and other digital facilities which can improve children’s performance in the classes.

Furthermore, avoiding from physical and psychological factor is another noticeable reason. Nowadays, all students have to study hard to understand the topics that have been covered in the courses. Because of this they should feel stressed and depressed. Based on a research, which has been carried out by Utah University in 2016, due to the schoolwork’s pressure, students are more prone and vulnerable to hart palpitation and chronic daily headache. Parents’ knowledge can be a great opportunity for children to address schoolwork's difficulties, and therefore prevent from those mentioned problematic and sophisticated issues.

Admittedly, there are some justifications by one who argues that parents should spend this time for fun activities. Chiefly, this can be an elegant motivation for children. Playing games or other amusements can whet children's appetite or conjure up their feeling to pay more attention to education. However, still I affirm that devoting time for schoolwork is more profitable. Although indicating parents’ time for enjoyable activities has some benefits, they can be neglected compared to spend time for schoolwork tasks. Besides, children can have a pleasured time with a worthwhile classmate and without their parents.

Due to aforementioned ground, all folk should bear in mind that it is more beneficial to spent time for students' school assignments. Participation of technology and healthiness are two prime and conspicuous supports.

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Final score: 26 in 30
Category: Very Good Excellent
No. of Grammatical Errors: 0 2
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No. of Sentences: 21 15
No. of Words: 375 350
No. of Characters: 2070 1500
No. of Different Words: 230 200
Fourth Root of Number of Words: 4.401 4.7
Average Word Length: 5.52 4.6
Word Length SD: 3.07 2.4
No. of Words greater than 5 chars: 157 100
No. of Words greater than 6 chars: 136 80
No. of Words greater than 7 chars: 96 40
No. of Words greater than 8 chars: 71 20
Use of Passive Voice (%): 0 0
Avg. Sentence Length: 17.857 21.0
Sentence Length SD: 7.421 7.5
Use of Discourse Markers (%): 0.286 0.12
Sentence-Text Coherence: 0.288 0.35
Sentence-Para Coherence: 0.511 0.50
Sentence-Sentence Coherence: 0.04 0.07
Number of Paragraphs: 5 5