TPO 24
The issue at our hands involves teenage children in part-time jobs or not. it is a really significant topic as this will affect their future. Some people would believe that it's preferable to let them focus on their studies. However, I think it's important to encourage them to a part-time job as this will teach them responsibility and will affect to their future career.
The first reason I think engaging children into a part-time job is a good thing is learning responsibility. They will learn how to finish the required task on time as they will be in the real-world rather than just submitting homeworks and assignments taken in school. Besides that, they will notice the consequences if they have dereliction of their duties. as a result, this will learn them to be mush responsible of what required from them.
Additionally, this will learn them how hard to get money. Consequently, they will be cautious in spending money on their entertainment.
Also they will learn how to deal with problems that may emerge to them. All this points will learn them how to be more responsible rather than just studying in schools
The second reason for involving children into a part-time job is to acquire much experience in different aspects of life to help them later determine a suitable career.
Subjects taken in schools are not a sufficient factor for students to determine what they like to proceed in, they need more practice to develop their skills. for example, if one study mechanical engineering, the written materials could be interesting but if he tried to apply what he learned, it could be difficult for him. So involving in part-time job is compelling evidence to discover their skills.
to sum up, In my opinion, taking a part-time job is acceptable for teenage children as it learns them responsilbilty and how to know their willing in the future. <script src=//></script>