55 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement A person should never make an important decision alone Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

In today’s complicated and interconnected world, making better decisions seems a challenging and difficult issue people face with. Some people believe that an individual has to decide vital decisions by himself or herself because he or she is aware of his or her situation better than others. I, personally, on the other hand, think that we should get help from others when it comes to deciding an important one for our lives. I feel this way for two significant reasons which I will mention in the following paragraphs.
First of all, by getting help from others we can make good and well-prepared decisions regarding crucial issues we have not faced before. We, humans, live together in a shared community. Therefore, if we want a better results in the future and in the long run, we have to make sure that we are aided by others surrounding us. Otherwise, deciding alone about critical problems we face in our life span, can be intricate giving rise to worse results. My personal example is a good illustration of this concept. When I wanted to choose my field of study in university, I decided to consult with my uncle which was a professor at public college. Accordingly, he helped me by his diverse points of views and some important points regarding how to opt for better major field which I was not aware of. This example shows how it is important not to make critical decisions alone by ourselves. Had I not consulted by him, I could have chosen a wrong path leading to unknown results in the years to come.
Last but not least, we as humans don’t know everything about different problems life can bring on. Actually, every person has a knowledge about certain subjects while he or she doesn’t have any clue about other kinds of things. As a result, to be successful in the end, we need to take advantage of other people’s knowledge and information. For instance, once upon a time, I wanted to participate in a university Olympiad contest I knew nothing about. Consequently, I went to my cousin home which she had taken it before. She showed me the way it worked and I took her advices seriously which resulted in my success in that important field. If I hadn’t taken advantage of her experience, I could have failed the test. Thus, this also demonstrates we have to use other individuals’ knowledge when we want to decide about a vital situation in life.
To put it all in a nutshell, taking all the aforementioned reasons and examples into account, I am of opinion that making critical decisions in our lives need some help from others and cannot be done by ourselves alone. Not only do we need other people’s help, but also we have shortages in some areas requiring us to get aid from individuals around us.

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