agree or disagree In twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there are today

The future of transportation was always a crucial thing in humans life. A controversial thing that is often raised regarding this topic is whether there will be more or fewer cars in the future. If I were obliged to choose, I would think that there will be more cars in twenty years.

First, I believed that there will be more requests for buying cars from people in the next 20 years. Cars are more reachable these days than past and young people will request a car as soon as they can. I believe my opinion is partially influenced by my personal experience. You, I got my license immediately after I turned 18 and then I bought a car, but my dad got his license when he was 27 and I think that's because he couldn't afford a car when he was 18.

Secondly, Recently various electric cars have been manufactured and I think people are more tend to buy a electrical car than a gas car. Electrical cars are cheap and easy to maintain and drive. For instance, I know someone who never agreed to buy a car due to his respect for nature and he didn't want to pollute the air with the smoke of the car, later he finds out he can buy an electric car which has no harm for the atmosphere and nature, and so he did.

I resist the temptation to explain more, hope there is enough information already. to sum it up, as the reasons suggest, there will be more cars in twenty years. because not only there will be younger people who want to buy a car but also people who didn't have a car because of their support of nature, now can have a nature friendly car indeed. So there will be more cars in twenty years from now.

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