Nowadays food has become easier to prepare Has this change improved the way people live Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

With the high pace of world changing and also technology improvement, every simple thing has changed a lot during last decades. One of these changes is the way of food preparation. As the food market is a vast and profitable market, most of the businessmen are rapidly work on it to innovate new methods for more making it easier and also for more profit for themselves. hence we can feel that how fast this business is changing and absolutely it can improve our life considerably.
Following essay, will more illustrate my opinion:
First of all, because of today’s city lifestyle, people are very busy with different things and consequently they do not have too much time for cooking in the kitchens. But many thanks to the technology improvement and advent of electronic appliances to our kitchen. With the help of microwaves, refrigerators, ovens and many other appliances, now cooking is an easy and fast task and we can cook delicious food in a short time, hence we have more time to spend to our other tasks such as studying. it is very tangible for us to prepare a meal in les that 10 minutes.

In addition, with the transportation improvement, and also new packaging methods, we have easy access to fresh vegetables, meat, dairy products and many other food ingredient. having access to all these nutrition during all the year, absolutely would help us to improve our eating habit and being more healthy. For example, in the past fresh vegetables were not available in every region and it was very difficult to transport them, however today in short time different kind of edible products can be transport around the world in a short time. Therefore, we can find different nutrition international food ingredient in the markets.

In conclusion, as I explained above, nowadays, food preparation is an easy task which has many positive effects on our life. Because today we can cook fast and as result we can save more time for our other tasks and further more with easy access to different fresh products we can eat healthier. So according to all mentioned reasons our life has improved a lot because of easy food preparation.

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