Some people think that it is best for extended families to live together Other people think that it is best for the nuclear family to live away from the extended family Which one do you prefer

The concept of living in a nuclear family has been booming for last decade. Families have been getting smaller day by day. Concerning to this, it is generally argued that people living with their relatives with secondary blood relationship is an ideal form of family. On contrary, it is also believed nuclear family is more sustainable model of family. Being a supporter of medieval cultures, I prefer living in an extended family, which will be based by further discourse.
There are myriad of impelling reasons of living in an extended family. Firstly, such a big family lives under blessings of aged family members, who have profuse amount of experience to spend life with the best possible comfort. The role of grandparents is to proffer the family the ways of living sustainably and to look after the children of the family, which can only be possible in presence of them. For example, in these contemporary era, couples of every family has to work for their needs due to high level of inflation and they do not find adequate time to raise their children. In such condition, if people live in an extended family, children do not have to suffer from deprived attention and care of elders. Secondly, with more numbers of family members, the advantage of big scope of entertainment and leisure activities is associated. To illustrate, a family of a score numbers of members has four to five cousin brothers and they find very easy to develop any specific kind of interesting recreational activity, which gives them the feeling of pleasure. And finding the happiness of children, elderly also enjoys peaceful life. This way, the reasons draws implication that being a part of extended family always makes life comfortable.
On the other hand, nuclear families also have few numbers of hidden advantages and due to that only, people prefers to live by it. The prime reason is being an economic concept. Nuclear family, having four to five numbers of members in total, involves a low amount of overall expense. Considering this, the nuclear families do not have to pay gigantic bills or other house-hold taxes. Additionally, smaller the family is, less the noise is generated. In-house environment is noise free generally and small families have less numbers of gathering unlike to titanic families, in which events and gatherings are organized at regular frequency and for some people, these such events are annoying. However, people choose to spend time lonely, even if being a part of an extended family. Also, the expense and incomes are directly proportional to the numbers of family members; hence, though the expenses increase with family size, incomes will also elevate. That said, the advantages of nuclear family are baseless.
To conclude, from the above mentioned arguments, it is clearly implied that the advantages for me to support the extended family are ample and convincing. The reasons for others to support the nuclear family are preposterous. For the betterment of the societies, the first step for nuclear families would be to get united as much as possible and to live under same roofs to pursue parallel goals of peaceful and strong nations.

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