The idea of having a single career is becoming an old fashioned one The new fashion will be to have several careers or ways of earning money and further education will be something that continues throughout life

I completely opine with the thought of having multiple career is more of becoming a norm these days. With the advancement with technology and science it is becoming relatively easier to select the dream course and get certified and pursue that career. In this essay we will discuss about how more than 2 career options having is beneficial from a long-term perspective.
In old times people use to learn a particular skill stick to it for the entire career span and retire, however in the modern world this will not be applicable. With fast pace advancement in tech world it is relatively impossible to rely on single skill and it is bound to get outdated in no time.Hence one shouldn’t stop learning and focus on continues development. To exemplify people in early 2000’s were pursuing computer typing course and were getting great jobs. But in today’s time these skills will are rather mandatory.
Along with skills one should also look for multiple options for earning money. With the evolvement of Internet it is much simpler to earn than earlier. There are multiple ways in which one can earn great amount with minimal efforts involved. One such example is YouTube video, there are millions of people around the world who are uploading the content on a daily basis and earning a decent amount of revenue while working on the job.

To conclude with one must progressively move ahead with the time and learn atleast 1 new skill every year from professional as well as personal perspective. This helps to stay relevant in the job market and also develop new hobbies which can also be connected with secondary source of income.

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