Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences Others however believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime Discuss both views and give your opinion

It is undeniable that crime is one of the most challenging issues in the modern world. A fair amount of individuals think that the healthiest way to control offence is to put them in the bars of prison for long duration. Whereas, others opine that there are substitute ways to deal with this issue. In the essay, i will discuss both views and give my opinion.

On the one side, prison administration has a good knowledge about how to tackle offenders. In order to make them feel about their guilt, they have given time of probation. Moreover, it invokes fear among them and they will think hundred times before committing offence. They will come across that punishment is far more difficult than perpetrating crime. Furthermore, they will set examples for other criminals.

On the other hand, there are many alternative ways to combat with this problem. Firstly, the root causes of crime are poverty and unemployment. If government give better opportunities and provide jobs. It will prove beneficial in reducing this issue. In addition, there is an extreme need to implement stringent legislation in the nation. When the jury system will become strict, the proportion if crime will also decline.

From what we have discussed, both ideas carry equal strength and significance. Neither can be refuted nor outright. However, personally, i subscribe that substitute ways will prove more suitable to eradicate this issue in terms of creating opportunities, employment and making stringent laws.

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