Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to reducing traffic accidents Others however believe that other measures would be more effective in improving road safety Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

People have different views about stiff retribution for driving infractions are the key to reducing traffic collisions. Whilst there are those who maintain that upgrading road safety would be more efficient than sanction, I believe that it is a privilege for harsh punishments.

There are numerous reasons why people might argue that enhancing transport safety is more practical, one of which is adding more modern types of equipment such as cameras, road curd, and speed hump to inhibit people from traffic-related incidents. Erecting these kinds of equipment would prevent commuters from driving through red lights, or committing a speeding offense as they are monitored by the cameras system largely and they are warned not to infringe the traffic laws. Another justification for public safety protection is that the local authority should add additional electronic billboards with road safety instructional programs alongside the streets and roads where people drive. This would therefore inform the public about the detrimental effects of traffic violations.

Notwithstanding some critics’ objections, I support the view that tough penalties for traffic transgressions reap the benefits. First and foremost, stringent sentences such as heavy fines, and prison sentences would act as a deterrent to those who tend to infringe the law. For example, people who are caught drunk driving, excessively speeding, and causing road fatality will be subjected to heavier penalties such as license revocation. It should also be noted stiff retribution are a series of government crackdowns on reckless driving. People defying the traffic law, which would in turn incur stringent sanctions due to intentional violations.

In sum, while there are sensible reasons to believe that strict sentence for traffic offenses has drawbacks, my view is that they are outweighed by the benefits.

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