Today high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of society in which they are sold To what extent do you agree or disagree

In contemporary era, people are more attracted to purchase well-known products rather than the stuffs they are really in need of. Admittedly, this is a direct result of counterfeit and at the same time attractive advertisement in a global market. From my perspective, I would totally support this assertion relying on striking reasons along with reliable instances.

To begin with the reasons of preference of people spending money on impractical products at a current time, I would put a light on leading reason which is gullible markets. To put it more simply, people are subtly made to buy some products in an unfair way by applying some deceitful methods by some firms. Obviously, every firm or company earn huge profits by stimulating demand for their products, hence a pioneer section including well-informed along with skilled advertisement experts and highly knowledgeable employees, can be easily found in every successful organization. These experts have a number of duties to perform such as, how physiologically effect on customer's mind to purchase something even it is useless or impractical through some productive techniques namely celebrity endorsement, catchy slogans or a powerful product name.

Turning to another significant point, people are easily made to purchase some products by sustained experts' efforts on selling their goods, whereas people are not alert about it at all. This fact can be illustrated by a recent instance of a 56- Italian woman who bought a dog food after just five seconds, that she had seen its advertisement on TV, however what really puts me in a total shock about her is, she has not got a dog. What we encountered in this real example, that is being impressed by one advertisement, can be applied to most of our shopping.additionally,the unbelievable fact is, the cycle of buying things which are completely malfunction can repeat for every member of society due to the up-to-date knowledge of marketing experts about their potential customers.

By way of conclusion, I strongly agree with quick decision which is made by a vast majority of people to buy some stuffs merely because of its attractive appearance rather than its productivity. Clearly people are not aware, nonetheless this happening is due to effective company's advertisements in this cut-throat marketing competition.

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