Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on your children Do you agree or disagree

Nowadays, children spend most of their time using a computer every day. Although some people think that it is not a harmful effect on children. I agree that using a computer has a lot of advantage for the children, but excessive use of computers bring more disadvantage.
To begin with the benefits of using computers, we have to admit that computers as a high-tech tool help children have beautiful thinking about life. A lot of animated pages and videos are made to teach and inspire children for having a beautiful view. For example, children usually use a computer to watch a hero movie. They know that they need to help and save the weak people, defeat the bad people and ideas in life, and love others especially the people around them. Besides, children can learn effectively. They can watch some movies about the world which no one talks to them. They could have the knowledge and absorb it. For example, children can watch English animated movies so they can study English quickly.
On the other hands, some children abuse of using a computer for relaxing which bring a lot of disadvantage. Children will lose their focus on studies. They spend most of the time watching movies and playing games instead of studying because playing games and watching movies are more interesting than studying. Children are at the age which they do not aware of the importance of studying so they can get addicted to using a computer easily. Moreover, children can be difficult to connect to others. They spend more than 10 hours using computers instead of going out and playing with others. Expert says that children who spend more time on computer than going out tend to be the introvert
In conclusion, using computers bring the pros and cons effect on children which depends on the way children use it. We have to teach them how to use it reasonably and effectively

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