The bar chart shows the percentage of the total world population in 4 countries in 1950 and 2003 and projections for 2050

The bar graph provides information on the population levels of four different countries (India, China, the USA, and Japan) in 1950 and 2002, and depicts respective forecasts for 2050.

Looking in overall, it is clear the highest ratio onto china and contrary side in Japan by far the lowest figure.

Commencing with the ratio of the population in India in 1950 and 2001 was 15% and 17%, respectively. similarly, it will be shown the highest ratio is 2050, which will show near about 20%. However, the percentage of the population in 1959 was near about 25%, as compared to 20 in 2002. while in 2050 will be decreased slightly at given of period.

furthermore, in 2002 and 2050, the proposition is analogous, which is exactly 5%. But also the rose rato in 1950 compare to present year. likewise, the dramatic lowest was observed in the rate of population from 1950 to 2050, it is collected a between 1% to5%.

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