The line graph below gives information on cinema attendance in the UK

The given line graph demonstrates percentages on cinema visitors between 4 ages group in the U.K from 1990 to 2010.
Overall, we can see that 40 ages over people were going to the cinema more than 14 -24 ages population.
Now, turning to the details that the quantity of the visitors in aged 44 - 54 went through a period of dramatic increase to just over a half in 2010, exceeding the number in aged 14 - 24, which had only 21 %. there was a dramatic decline in the quantity of 24 -34 ages to 23 % in 2000, followed by a sharp increase to 33 % in 2005. According to the percentage of 34 -44 aged visitors experienced an upward to near two-fifths percentages in 1995, before hitting a fall to 30 % five years later. Finally, in comparison with the digits of aged over 40, which witnessed a dramatic climb to half percentage during 2005 -2007 years, while the proportion of 14 -24 aged visitors were the same numbers.

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